Theoden, Gandalf, Legolas Aragon and Gimili meets merry and pippin at the gates of Isengard and find them somking and drinking ale. They become very uppset for finding them drinking and smoking and above all they look very healthy. It is not that they do not want them to feel good it's just that all they have all risked their lives for them at sevaral occasions. After a while marry and pippin gives each and everyone a pipe and they star a fire along with their pipes and talk about everything that had happend after they parted at the end of the first book. They also meet Gandlaf whom they thought where dead and that gave them joy within their souls. After a long talk about alot of things that had already been said the dawn peeks trough the clouds and mist of Isengard. After a while Gandalf says that it is time to talk to Saruman but he says that "even in defeat Saruman is dangerous, like a corned wild bear Saruman will react. He will try to Decive us into the last. Watch out for his voice." The company moves towards Orthanc (the Ctadel of Isengard) And there they meet treebeard. Gandalf and treeberd excange a few quick words and then everybody goes to the doors of Orthanc. From the shhadows an old man appers and a white pale man. The old man is ofcoure Saruman but the pale man is Grimma wormtoung he is a traitor from rohan who helped Saruman poison the Kings mind. Gandalf and Saruman talks for a while and Saruman Speeks to Gandalf as if he is his superior. (wich he is, he thinks) Saruman oders Gandalf to leve Isengard and never come back. (A big part of Sarumans magic laies within his voice) Saruman turns his back and leaves but just as he disepears Gandalf speaks. He said "come back Saruman, I have not given you permission to leave. You are no longer the head of the Istari. You are no longer Saruman the white. I am Gandalf the white and I have taken your place. Saruman, your staff is broken" Sarumans staff explodes and he is thrown back. Meenwhile grimma tries to hit Gandalf witch a big crystal orb. Gandalf is not paying attention to pippin that goes to the orb. The second he touches it the orb seeams to burn on the inside for a blink of an eye. Pippins mind is now fixed on this starnge orb and when Gandalf is asleep he takes the orb from him and hold it and looks. When Gandalf wakes up a few seconds later he takes the orb and asks pippin what he saw. Pippin first lie and says ha only saw stars. Then he tells Gandalf everything and describes a white city in flames. And a white tree burning. Just as Gandlaf understand that pippin talks about Minas tirith a nazgul shows up on a fellbeast. ( a nazgul is a ringwraith who has been poisend by Sauron im not goning to explain everything about them because then I would sit here the whole night.) Gandalf comands everyone to flee back to edoras and says that he and pippin is going to Minas tirith.
I Find this bit very disturbing because Saruman does not die in the book. I knew this alredy but I do not like it. I feel a little diespointed at Peter jacksson for killing Saruman in the moovies but what are you goning to to huh.. Saruman will aventually flee from Isengard to the east and he will not have a part in the book after this. His staff did brooke and that means the wizards power is gone if he does not get a new one. I cant really say if the book is better or not, I can say however that I find it very interesting to learn something new about Lotr.
tisdag 27 november 2012
tisdag 20 november 2012
The grey pilgrim
Aragon, legolas and Gimili are tracking the hobbits into Fangorn. They feel that they are being watched by someone or something. As it turnes out it is an old man. But he is stalking them from a distance so they are not sure who it is. They think that it is Saruman, (one of the 5 wizards) but they are not sure. It most certanily is not Gandalf however, He died in moria by Durins Bane. He was killed by both shadow and flame, A demon from ancient times. He was killed by a Balrog of Morgoth. Later the same day, Aragon, Legolas and Gimili sees the old man approtching. They naturaly tries to kill him. Because theese are dangeroues times and Fagorn is not a place for the comon traveler and if it is a Wizard it most be Saruman. The Three most ferce warriors are defeted in a split second by the mysterius man. This is no ordinary Man thats for cirtan. Finaly you find out who he is. It is Gandalf but he is white. He has been sent back to complete the quest. Because it is his destiny to fight The Dark Lord for Middle earth.
Gandalf is blessed by the valar (the gods) and is gifted a second life. He is now more powerfull then before and has plans for the three kinreds (races)
First of they travel to edoras the golden hall. For there dwelves Theoden King of Rohan. Saruman seeks to destroy the world of men and will begin in Rohan. Thodens mind is poisoned by Saruman so Theodens mind is not his own. The four companions ride with haste to edoras to warn the king of Saruman. When they arive Gandalf heals Theoden and he comes to his sensses. They decide to ride to Helms Deep The great fortress of Rohan. They flee to Helms deep and empty edoras of all people several hundreds civilians and atleast 300 Rohirims Fleeto Helms deep. But on the way however Legolas sees a great darkness coming from the West (elves has great eyesight) Gandlaf rides with al haste to westfold The get help. (Westfold is a part of Rohan with many Rohirims) When they finaly arrives to Helms Deep all hell brakes lose. The uru-khai is a new sort of orc. They are bigger stronger and can fight just as well in light as in darkness. First it seems to be going well. The defences of the hornberg is strong and can hold of the armies of Isengard. suddenley the walls explode by some sorcery of Saruman. The Uru-khai burst inside the keep and advance trough the fortress. Just when all heroes ride out and want to die with honour a light comes from the north-east. A white rider ontop of a big hill. it is Gandlaf and he has come with help from Westfold. When they have won Gandalf, Theoden, Aragon, Legolas, Gimili and 20 of the kings men ride to Isengard to talk to Saruman. When they arrive Isengard is in ruins. They have been destoryed by the ents. The sheperds of the forest of Fangorn. Big trees that moves and talks.
First of all the Battle of Helms deep is in the 7th Chapter in the book. In the movie however it happens in the end. This is a huge difference but i like that alot. If the movies and the books where al alike I would not want to read them. I think it is exciting when you learn something new about The Lord of the Rings and this is one thing. The Fighting chapters are quitely brilliant is I may say so. I am looking forward to read moore and can not wait.
tisdag 13 november 2012
The Lord of the rings The two towers book blog 1
This is the second book in the series and it starts of with the death of one of the 9 people in the followhip. Frodo and sam are missing and so is marry and pippin. Aragon, Legolas and gimili finds Boromir dead and penetrated with arrows. The make out that the don't have any time to bury him so they decide lay him in one of the elven ships that they got from lady Galadrien and celeborn (the masters of lothlorien) When they are about to push the boat in the to river so it can take Boromir son of denathor on anduin all the way down to the falls of rauros where he will fall down and journey to the sea. Argon notice that one of the hobbits backpacks are missing besides frodo whom had told only Aragon he was leaving. He makes out that the backpack belong to samwise gamgee. That means Sam has gone along with his master on his journey rather then staied with the rest of the fellowship. Aragons mind comes to a sudden clarity and understand that he can not help frodo by following him. He must help him in different ways. For the fate of all lies in frodos hands. Aragon, Legolas and gimili decides to pursue the orcs that kidnapped mariadoc brandybuck marry and Peregrin took (the names of marry and pippin) Aragons heart speaks clearley atlast and feels that this is the right thing to do.
On the presuite Aragon, Legolas and gimili are falling behind the orcs and they are losing the trail but suddenly when the have passed in the the kingdom of Rohan and following the orc for several days they see a large group of Rohirim (the soldiers of Rohan who are talented riders and swordsmen. They have along talk and finaly after many agrees and disagrees they part way with blessing on both sides. Aragon, Legolas and gimili even are given 2 horses so they can make haste. The rohirim however tells them that the salyed the orcs last night and they left no survivors.
In the following two chapters you follow marry and pippin. They are scared and thinks both that they are alone but they find one another eventually. They figure out that there are three different kinds of orcs. The isengarders, the orcs from mordor and the orcs from the misty mountins. they can not understand echothers toungs so they speak in the toung of men. (wich marry and pippin also do)
This is fortunate from them so they understand what they say. The different types of orc argue about what to to with them. The isengarders want to bring them to Saruman as they where comanded by him to do! The other two types of orcs want to kill them or bring them to Sauron directley. atlast they stop fighting and start a fire going and guard the two prisoners. But then the Rohirim show up and marry and pippin takes to moment to their advantedge and flee. They did however flee into Fangorn forest wich celeborn the elf-lord warned the fellowhip about. both of them climb up to a tree and try to figure out where they are. pippin says that he thinks the forest looks beautiful. Then a voice answers him but it is not marry and so they look down and find to their suprise that the "tree" is alive! It is not only alive it can see, walk and talk! They quickly make their minds to be as polite as possible. The tree likes this and gives them his name wich is treebeard. They became friends not to long after they met. Treebeard and the two hobbits ( their kin is called hobbits) talk about everything from the wind to the elderdays wich ofcoure marry and pippin know nothing about. Treebeard tells the hobbits he has to do something about Saruman. Saruman is a wizard who has betrayed the free folk of middle earth and tries to claim power himself. And so he has created an army och orcs. to keep the furaces going he has to cut down trees and Fangorn is right outside his fortress Orthanc, and so he cut down a few acres. This makes treebeard devestated and therefor ha calls a meeting of calld in elvish ent moort. There the ents will decide if they will go to war.
These books are the best thing I have ever dicided to do! I LOVE the movies and are a lunatic in this area. First of all the books are extreamly similar to the movies so it is hard form me to see a different picture then the one I alredy have. I feel hoever that tolkien describes it better. Although he makes some thing sound a litte boring. Take treebeard for example he describes him as a man atleast 16 feet and he has a tierd look and a long beard. He also has a brown skin almost like brown bark but they are not sure. In the movie treebeard looks amazing and really cool. I get a very boring picture of him from the book. My conclusion however is that This book is simply great. Tolkien makes you see middle earth in a very clear picture like only he can. over and out.
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